Your First Launch

    In this section you will learn how to start your project for the first time

    1. Clone the repo and install dependencies


    git clone
    cd saas-template-app-router
    corepack enable
    git remote remove origin
    1. Create your .env files


    touch .env
    touch .env.local
    1. Create an account on atlas and add your database url in .env


    DATABASE_URL= # for mongodb create an account on and use the provided url
    1. Copy these keys to .env.local file and when ready, check the guides below to learn more on how to setup each one of them [skip for now]


    # Authentication
    ADMIN_EMAIL= # Email address for the admin account.
    AUTH_SECRET= # Secret key for authentication. Generate one here or use random text of 43 alphanumeric characters minimum.
    AUTH_GOOGLE_ID= # Google OAuth client ID for Google login (optional).
    AUTH_GOOGLE_SECRET= # Secret key for the Google OAuth client (optional).
    AUTH_GITHUB_ID= # GitHub OAuth client ID for GitHub login (optional).
    AUTH_GITHUB_SECRET= # Secret key for the GitHub OAuth client (optional).
    # Stripe Integration
    STRIPE_KEY= # Stripe secret key for managing payments.
    STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET= # Secret for verifying Stripe webhooks.
    STRIPE_DASHBOARD_LINK= # Stripe dashboard URL (e.g., for testing).
    # AWS (Optional - for uploading files in the dashboard)
    AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= # AWS access key ID for storage services.
    AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= # Secret key for the AWS access key.
    # Sending Emails (optional - needed for magic links / verify or reset password)
    RESEND_KEY= # API key for the Resend email service.
    # AI Integration (Optional - using ChatGPT in the dashboard)
    OPENAI_API_KEY= # API key for OpenAI.
    # Public URLs and Keys
    NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL=http://localhost:3000/api # Backend API base URL (local or production) use the production url on deployment used for axios base url.
    # Analytics (optional - PostHog analytics)
    NEXT_PUBLIC_POSTHOG_KEY= # PostHog API key for analytics.
    NEXT_PUBLIC_POSTHOG_HOST= # Host URL for PostHog (e.g.,
    # Customer support (optional - Tawk chat widget)
    NEXT_PUBLIC_TAWK_PROPERTY_ID= # property ID for live chat.
    1. Configure your app, the files that you need to configure are [skip for now]

      • next.config.ts
      • src/utils/config.ts
    2. Now you are ready to spin it up!


    # pushes database changes and runs the dev server
    npm start dev
    yarn dev
    # builds the project locally and runs the local build
    npm start dev:build
    yarn dev:build
    # only pushes database changes
    npm start setup
    yarn setup

    Next steps