Ship a Landing Page in Seconds

    We already have many useful components that will build you a landing page in seconds

    Create a landing page in seconds

    1. Navigate to /src/app/(site)/page.tsx
    2. Import all you need from /src/app/(site)/_components


    import { db } from "lib/db";
    import { Metadata } from "next";
    import CTA from "./_components/cta";
    import FAQ from "./_components/faq";
    import FeaturesList from "./_components/features-list";
    import Hero from "./_components/hero";
    import PricingTable from "./_components/pricing-table";
    import TestimonialSimple from "./_components/testimonial-simple";
    import TestimonialsGrid from "./_components/testimonials-grid";
    import TestimonialList from "./_components/testimonials-list";
    import FeatureComparison from "./_components/feature-comparison";
    import FeaturesGrid from "./_components/features-grid";
    import ProductSteps from "./_components/product-steps";
    import WaitList from "./_components/wait-list";
    export const metadata: Metadata = {
      alternates: { canonical: "/" },
    export default async function Home() {
      // TODO: once you have access to dashboard
      // and create products, update products
      // visible in the pricing table by modifying this query
      const products = await db.product.findMany({
        where: { active: true, deleted: false, billingCycle: { not: "ONE_TIME" } },
        orderBy: [{ billingCycle: "asc" }, { order: "asc" }],
      return (
        <div className="flex flex-col gap-20 md:gap-32">
          <Hero />
          <TestimonialList />
          <FeatureComparison />
          <FeaturesGrid />
          <FeaturesList />
          <ProductSteps />
          <PricingTable products={products} />
          <TestimonialSimple />
          <FAQ />
          <WaitList />
          <TestimonialsGrid />
          <CTA />

    Next steps