Global State

    In any ReactJS app having a global state is essential to control a specific state without prop drilling or using context

    We are using Zustand for our global state as it offers a really clean and easy to use API

    There are two stores for our global state

    • Main store

      • Includes more of the logic controlling state
      • The global state is located under /src/store/index.ts
    • UI store

      • Includes more of the ui controlling state
      • The UI state is located under /src/store/ui.ts


    You can use both in any client component or client page


    "use client";
    import { useAppState } from "store";
    import { useUIState } from "store/ui";
    const ExamplePage = () => {
      const user = useAppState((state) => state.user);
      const authDialogOpen = useUIState((state) => state.authDialogOpen);
      const setAuthDialogOpen = useUIState((state) => state.setAuthDialogOpen);
      return <div>ExamplePage</div>;
    export default ExamplePage;

    Adding more to the store

    Let's say you want to add more properties to the store

    1. Navigate to /src/store/index.ts
    2. Add your new properties


    type AppState = {
      // ...
      // define the types your new state
      // one for accessing and one for setting (similar to useState)
      myScore: number;
      setMyScore: (value: number) => void;
    export const useAppState = create<AppState>((set, get) => ({
      // add the new properties by assign their default values
      myScore: 10,
      // use the set method provided by the create function to set the new value
      setMyScore: (myScore) => set({ myScore }),
    1. Use your global state new properties this way


    "use client";
    import { useUIState } from "store/ui";
    const ExamplePage = () => {
      const myScore = useAppState((state) => state.myScore);
      const setMyScore = useAppState((state) => state.setMyScore);
      return <div>ExamplePage</div>;
    export default ExamplePage;

    🎉 That's it!