By default all the work for implementing SEO has been done for you, follow instructions below to add your titles, descriptions and images.


    1. Update config.ts


    const config = {
      // App-specific metadata.
      app: {
        name: "your_app_name", // Name of the application.
        description: "your_app_description", // Short tagline or description of the app.
        logo: "your_app_logo_url", // URL of the app's logo.
        domainName: "your_app_domain", // Domain name where the app is hosted.
      // SEO configuration for improving search engine and social media visibility.
      seo: {
        twitter: {
          handle: "@your_twitter_handle", // Your Twitter handle (if applicable).
          card: "summary_large_image", // Type of Twitter card (e.g., summary, summary_large_image, app, player).
          image: "", // Add image url here for twitter cover
        openGraph: {
          locale: "en_US", // Language and region of the content (e.g., English - US).
          type: "website", // OpenGraph type indicating the content category (e.g., website, article, video).
          image: "", // Add image url here for opengraph (e.g. whatsapp link preview)
    1. We use generateSEOTags from /src/lib/seo.ts on /src/app/layout.tsx so you don't need to update all seo tags on each page.


    import { generateSEOTags } from "lib/seo";
    export const metadata: Metadata = generateSEOTags();
    1. Only update what you need
    import { Metadata } from "next";
    export const metadata: Metadata = {
      title: "My Page",
      alternates: { canonical: "/my-page" },
    const ExamplePage = () => {
      return <div>ExamplePage</div>;
    export default ExamplePage;

    Blog for SEO

    Blogs help with SEO start by adding your first blog from the dashboard.