Deployment Checklist

    Finally you have reached your goal and you want to deploy, here is the deployment checklist so you don't miss-out anything important.

    1. Make sure you have the right security measures
      • All your forms are being validated on the client and server
      • Make sure you don't have any missing headers in the next.config.ts
      • Make sure you have rate limited your api endpoints
    2. Add your environment variables to your deployment
      • STRIPE_KEY
      • etc...
    3. Update stripe webhook endpoint
    4. Update AWS SNS subscriptions / S3 cors configuration to match your deployment domain
    5. If you are using AI features make sure to set a monthly budget in OpenAI dashboard
    6. Push all your commits to main branch on a private repo
    7. Connect your github account to a deployment website like vercel and then use your private repo
    8. Make sure all environment variables in .env and .env.local are in your deployment environment variables
    9. Stress test these features
    • Authentication
    • Create a test product
    • Make a purchase
    • Double check users can access your product after purchase
    • Test uploading
    • Test everything in your dashboard

    Congratulations on making it this far, you are a beast! ⚡️